Vision and Goals

Vision and Goals


Our vision is to achieve leadership and excellence in academic and research professional development by establishing multiple and ongoing partnerships and agreements with international educational and research institutions across various fields of science and knowledge. We strive to provide an effective alternative to foreign scholarship programs.


Our mission is to create global channels of educational and research partnerships to ensure leadership in research, education, and modern knowledge. Our aim is to promote information and research development for the growth and advancement of faculty members.


The postgraduate program for joint supervision students aims to:

  • Provide lecturers and teaching assistants with the opportunity to complete their postgraduate studies abroad and obtain a doctorate degree from a distinguished international university in their respective field of study.
  • Support the university by attracting and retaining exceptional faculty members.
  • Strengthen scientific collaborations between our university and prestigious international universities.
  • Contribute to the enrichment of knowledge through diverse and impactful scientific contributions.
  • Ensure quality in the program's inputs, outputs, and processes.
  • Foster cooperation and facilitate the exchange of academic experiences between our university's faculty members and external universities.
  • Equip our national staff with international competencies through comprehensive training and development programs.


  • Cognitive enrichment.
  • Continuous improvement.
  • Excellence and efficiency.

Last Update
7/24/2024 9:21:50 AM