About Us


Joint supervision program at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah is considered a unique program among Saudi universities. It was specifically created to provide teaching assistants and lecturers at the university with the opportunity to pursue their graduate studies and obtain a doctorate degree from prestigious international universities without the need to travel outside the country. This program also applies to scholarships


Since its establishment in 1994, the program has enabled many teaching assistants and lecturers to pursue their studies through partnerships with numerous universities worldwide that King Abdulaziz University has collaborated with. When students are accepted into a university through the program, they are registered at that university and receive supervision from an external supervisor from the partnering institution, as well as a local supervisor from the faculty or teaching staff at King Abdulaziz University. Students complete all academic stages, including research, experiments, and thesis writing, within King Abdulaziz University. The university provides students with all the necessary resources for their studies, including laboratories, equipment, and materials


Communication between students and supervisors occurs through various means, such as video calls and emails. The external supervisor also visits the student twice a year, and both the internal supervisor and the student are sent to the university for a visit once a year


Upon completion of their studies, students submit their thesis, which is then evaluated by a committee formed at the partnering university. If the thesis is accepted, the foreign university unilaterally awards the doctoral degree to the student in accordance with its own regulations and laws. The Department of the Joint Supervision Program oversees all academic and administrative matters related to the students' studies. King Abdulaziz University covers all costs associated with the students' studies, including tuition fees at foreign universities, as well as providing all the necessary requirements for their study within King Abdulaziz University. This includes equipping laboratories, purchasing advanced scientific equipment and laboratory materials, and covering the travel and accommodation expenses of the external and local supervisors and students

Last Update
7/25/2024 11:10:34 AM