
1.  the overseas university is  responsible for assigning the supervisor according to its rules and regulations.  The nomination is dependant on the department and the faculty approval.          

2. the overseas supervisor visits the university twice a year. The  visit aims at supervising the students and their theses .The supervisor is treated the same way a visiting professor is treated.



The local supervisor


1. as soon as the department receives the student's admission letter from the overseas university, the department council nominates one of the  female teaching staff to act as a supervisor for the student. A male professor can also act as a supervisor in case there were no available female teachers. If there were no available professor from both sections, another local supervisor from another department can be nominated.

2. the local supervisor nomination is dependant on the overseas  university approval after the approval of the permanent committee for the co-supervision program for graduate studies. The committee has to review the C.Vs , the teaching load for the local supervisor and the number of theses he/she can supervise.

3. the local supervisor can travel  (only  once) to the overseas university to meet the foreign university supervisor in order to  discuss his/her students' research results or get closely to know the latest developments in the field of the study.   The can only last for five days .the deputy of the higher education is the only  person who can double  this period  

4 .each local supervisor can only supervise two students and each thesis he/she supervises count as two credits hours of his teaching load.



The supervisor's responsibilities


The overseas supervisor: he/she is considered the chief on the student, he has the following responsibilities

1. performing the  academic supervision and delivering lectures on subjects agreed upon with the program's administration

2. committing to visiting king abdelaziz university twice a year to keep updated with the student's academic progress.   The visit time should not be less than five days in each visit.

3. preparing  a detailed report about the findings of the visit and report on any shortcomings in the student's academic performance.

4. preparing mid term reports about the student's performance and sending them to the co-supervision program administration.

5. the active cooperation with the students and the co-supervision program administration using the available communication channels.

6. in case the student paid a visit to the foreign university, the supervisor should write a full report on her visit.


The local supervisor: he/she is considered the co-supervisor with the following responsibilities:


1. supervising the implementing of the study plan approved by the overseas supervisor

2. help the student overcome whatever problems she faces during the study.

3. coordinating with the co-supervision administration in order to provide the student with the different equipment she needs for the study.

4. preparing a mid term report about the student's progress.

5. notifying the program's administration about the student's  academic shortcomings.

6. The local supervisor can visit the foreign university for only one time in order to attend the discussion ceremony.

7. organizing the study seminar that the student present every year and writing a report about it.


The discussion committee


1. discussion may take place inside the university of king abdulaziz campus.

2. the foreign university assigns the date of the discussion and the members of the discussion committee

3. in case on e of the committee members could not attend the discussion,  the student and her local supervisor can be mandated to travel to the foreign university.  A report on the discussion  and its result should be submitted to the program's administration .the deputy of the higher education and academic research can be also mandated to attend  the ceremony in case the local supervisor could not travel  for any reason.

4.a representative of the university for the academic affairs has to submit a report on the discussion for the general supervisor in a period of  two weeks.

5. the members of the committee will be given financial awards as the rules of the program state.

Last Update
6/18/2012 12:50:50 PM